

Ohayo guys and this is all about me
age: 9/turning 10
month I was born: June
year I was born: 2014 (sorry for being young)
day of the week I was born: Sunday (very unlucky)
week of the month I was born: 2nd week
most fav country: Italy
least fav country: Vatican City/ Vation City
most fav youtuber: Gacha_Lilyy
least fav youtuber: T series
fav parent:Mum
unfav parent: my dad
fav grandparent: Grandma
unfav grandparent: my grandpa
fav game: online games
most fav song: UNSTOPPABLE
least fav song: last rizzmas/sticking out your gyatt
most fav time: 2:34
least fav time: 7:30
most fav animal: CATS
least fav animal: Dawgs