Developer Update: Moddio Game Engine 2.0.5 Release

We are back with yet another exciting engine update! Introducing Moddio Engine 2.0.5 – our latest release comes packed with quality of life enhancements that make the game development experience better. Some noteworthy updates include making the player gameplay feeling “smoother”, improved UI elements, and better game performance. Check out the new featuresbelow:
What’s New in 2.0.5:
- Editor: Fixed script action “Set unit’s name label color for player”
- Editor: ‘Get camera position’ action now returns the proper center position of the camera
- Engine: The physics engine tick rate can now be customized up to 60
- Engine: Walls now have 0.1 friction by default. (We plan to allow wall bodies so the creators can set friction and restitution of the walls)
- Security: Item description HTML is now sanitized
- Server: Fixed the serverside engine tick rate (different from the game logic tick rate that runs at 20 fps), so it runs every 60 fps. Previously, it was running at around 45-55 fps.
- Server: Autojoin now shows a countdown before reattempting server connect
- Server: Improved server-side performance by not running the profiler timer unless the user is running the profiler
- Server: Improved server-side performance by utilizing rfdc (Really Fast Deep Clone) when updating attribute values
- UI: Improved Mobile Scoreboard UI
- Bug fix: Fixed a bug that caused the browser to crash when a creator clicked ‘Save and apply changes’ after updating a body of item or projectile
Getting Started with 2.0.5:
This release can be used for old and new games. To try out the new engine release on any game, head over to and go to the game you’d like to change. Click on Editor > Game Settings >Engine tab. You will see a field labeled “Engine Version” and you can change this to “2.0.5” to try out all the new features. Get started and let us know what you think!
Your Feedback Matters:
Your input will always help us to improve Moddio Engine. We encourage you to try the new features out and give us any feedback in our Forums. If you encounter bugs you can also report them on the forums or in our Discord – make sure to tell us what version of the engine you’re using.
Check out Moddio Engine 2.0.5 and let us know what you think!