Ability to give other modd.io coins

Is there a posiblity that we can give other our modd.io coins in the future? I think there’s already a system for trading modd.io coins for real money, but can we make it so we can gift people our coins? I think others might like this idea and it could be a great addition to the game.

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yes but would need to remove the free 10 coins in mobile

i mean people would just create like 20 new accounts and open the chest to gain like 200 coins in 1 day and transfer it to the main account or even use bots to do that thing but yeah coin transfer will be possible and i think they will remove that chest soon
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yeah that is a possiblity but how would people create like TONS of accounts. But you are right people could make like a few accounts and give themselves coins.

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Yeah, there would be a lot of major flaws. If they are gonna add the ability to cast and give other modd.io coins. At least check some exploits or bugs to fix that problem.

Coin transfer will be possible in the future. Only Staffs in modd.io have the ability to do that. (I think so?)

If they removed the chest soon though, then we have no way to get coins using the chest. They already remove the daily 5 coins chest. (You can get coins by submitting your skins. Or If you are an owner of the game and that artist submitted that skin and users bought it. You can get some coins.)

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they are working on it dont worry

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oh ok that is very reassuring :slight_smile:

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Are we able to give others coins yet? :thinking: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: