Add ability for moderators to see ip on Moderation tab

Botting is a issue that all games of modd face, when in need to kick/ban botters mods need to make sure they aren’t banning a random afk user, so ability to see ip’s on moderation tab will aid mods to see the botter from same ip and confirm if it’s a botter or not and take appropriate actions needed.

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you see I’m sure they thought of that maybe even had that feature but people would just use it to find people’s ip for more corrupt reasons

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then again what do i know i have been with for almost 6 or 7 years now and i still am just now learning how to code stuff on it rip

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If you go into the settings of the game you’re making and go to the tab “Engine” you can allow true or false for duplicate IP’s

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yes but people still bypass this

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