Following pineapple brains tutorial but this happens

Unsuccessful entry
Water do I do

This is for tier 1 data save

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Can you show your send post request action in the script?

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Here it is but idk what one

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Can you show the script that sets the value of the variable “post”?


Yes, that

Ok, are you sure that the value of the ‘key’ variable is the same as the ‘key’ secret in your replit project?

Want me to show you

Well you probably don’t want to show your secret key here. Either do that in private or don’t show me; I don’t need it anyways. Just go in the ‘Secrets’ tab in your replit project and check if you have added a secret called ‘key’ and its value is the same as the value of ‘key’ in your game.

Wait it have inall numbers what if I try words

That didn’t work
Idk what now

Update it did work I just didn’t press save thanks for the help kyle

So now it says no data found when I get the score I reload and this happens won’t stop happening but It says successful entry

Can you show the ‘player leaves’ script?

Ok any other scripts

Ok that looks fine. Can you send the link to your repl code? Data Save Demo (3) - Replit text` all I did was fork it :stuck_out_tongue:

Is the repl logging “data saved for (your name)” when you leave the game?