Hey guys i want u to add something to modd io plus i say my rate of this game

hi guys i wanna say something:

i rate this 5/10 cuz toxic people and lag screen…
***also im kinda sure there should be a shop for when u join the website (Modd.io) and there is a shop icon and u could buy skins for ur profile thx. :confused:


Shop skins are made exclusively for games. Each game can have different skins, and each game is made by different people. And I’m not really sure where you’re finding toxic players

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good ppl
good fan base
good games
BUT theres no free coins anymore :cry:
AND theres a bug where if you use fire fox some times even if you press enter like 10 times guess what? THE CHAT BOX IS NOT THERE :bug: :bug: :bug: :bug: :beetle: :beetle: :beetle: :beetle: :bug: :beetle: :bug: :beetle: :beetle: :beetle: :bug: :bug: :bug: :bug: :beetle: