How to change the background of an item description?

I need some help plzz ):

idk, i dont know. soo i think need do something in scripts. LOL. soap

Do you wan’t to change the background of an item using colors or do you wan’t to change the background of your own choice?

Be more specific cause there’s a script for that.

change item inventory slot color:

change description of item as value:

Edit: You already know the color script if I’m correct so, is it the second option then?

Edit 2:

I know how to change the color, size, etc, but i dont know what script edits the background of an item…:pleading_face:

I don’t know if that exist though. A script where you can change the background of it using an item.

Correct me if I’m wrong.

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Oh well… i think we can’t, but… thanks!

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