How to insert icons into player attribute UI


Find the ID of your attribute by using inspect element:

then add the following CSS (in UI customization, can also be added in game description)

  #pt-attribute-yPOg4tGVMd::before {
    background-image: url("https://image.url/icon.png");

I would like UI tab to be added to t1 games because features like this will attract new players more effectively in the first release, when they don’t meet t5 standards.

Nvm, it seems we can use game description, but what’s the point of restricting access to the UI tab to t5 games if t1 can leverage custom CSS via game description?

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the only better thing in ui tab i see is that u cant copy code and other stuff as u could from description with inspect element

preview button i guess idk

u can just rejoin after changing in description

bro why it aint working for me :sob::sob::sob:

#pt-attribute-xWIAz33IOz::before {
background-image: url("");