How to make secret code

Do it!

I guess maybe

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Try editing it into Scripting help, because that’s not supposed to be in Resources

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@Dol_Whitty Why revert back to Resources category

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This shoudn’t be in Resources category


@Dol_Whitty If you keep moving this category into Resources category, then we know what it will happen

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Mods please make this topic closed cause they’re beefing which category it belongs to.

Plus they’re necroposting this topic.

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Bruh, necroposting is when you reply to an old reply or topic

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Necropost is something that you reply to a 2 week or older reply


I will tell you why it doesn’t belong to the resource category

  1. The topic’s title it belongs into Scripting Help category but reading the main topic, that doesn’t belong to Resources category
  2. Sharing images and helping any script how to make goes into Scripting Help or Game Editor Help but not Resources because you need to refer to 1.
  3. Resources category is for people who want to send free assets, making guides that may require to make your game expansive and other else, but Scripting Help is a category that people send making stuff that they can’t make it or not working right and they send the image of it to help.
    Bonus, Necroposting is not 10 days, it is 2 WEEKS OR OVER!

There is a new category :smiley:
This can be put in the Script Resources

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Yea but we should wait for moderators to move the category into Script Resources

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That is a good idea!

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Why did we have beef over this though :cry:

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Oh no! they removed it

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