Looking for game design artists(meme wars)

im not good with art an stuff so im looking for someone who can do the art for my game
this includes:
1.game cover image
2.game logo
3. the map
4.(optional) item skins

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get meme’ed lol
but i maybe can help with the map
and what are you gonna pay?

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the thing with job offers are that someone helps you create a game and you pay em modd.io coins

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Is there any pay related like modd.io coins ??!?!?!?, we would need payment for things lol

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ok so i have a couple of questions
1.how do i even pay you modd.io coins
2.about how much are you thinking
(js i dont have a lot and the game needs to get more popular before i can start adding things like gamepasses, maybe we can work something out with that idk)

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also sry it took so long to get back to you i have been trying to fix my game up and all

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