Script keeps running below actions?

As you can see the “return without completing script” action. It runs it but it still runs the rest of the script, why does it do this? This does run because “run script game over” works.

I know it still runs because it still creates the bottom section actions like “create Ball Spikes for AI 1 (global)”


Are you sure the rest of the script is running? Can you add a send chat message action after the create Ball Spikes for ... action to check if the chat message will be sent?

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yeah its creating them

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I also noticed its not even running it see.

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OK, looks like the if / else / then statement is not passing. Can you do send chat message (@_status) at the top inside the wait for 5000 milliseconds loop to see if the variable’s value is ‘Gameover’?

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yeah it says Gameover

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Also have it send playerCount to check if it equals 1?

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How do i do that? since send chat message does a string while my playerCount is a Number?

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Use concatenate function, and concatenate the number with a string to turn it into a string.

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Wait a minute, you’re using not equal comparison if (@_status) != (Gameover)
Do you mean to use ==?

oh i need it like !=

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Then if (@_status) != (Gameover) is not gonna pass since @_status is equal to ‘Gameover’.