Simplify work with changing entity scripts

Do something to make entity-script changes not painstaking, right now the only way to overwrite functionality of all items that use same entity scripting is to go through each item and update their script so it matches with updated version, or just make a folder, do changes there, copy folder and then paste that folder in other entity scripts so that the folder and all of it’s scripts get overwritten.


If many items have the same or similar functionality and you don’t want to write entity scripts for all of them, you could use a single global script for them instead.

However I do agree that having a way to make the same change in multiple entity scripts at a time would make scripting much easier. Perhaps this could be done using a module system where you import functionality from one script into all the entity scripts where you need it, reducing the amount of copied code.


Like prototype or inheritance sounds great for my object oriented mindset.

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