How do i detect the last purchasing player

idk how to do this…

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What you meant is that, when a player purchasing something, for example a baseball bat from the shop, it will say like this?

When a player purchases a unit, When a player purchases an item

send message ( owner of ( ( last purchased unit's name ) ) bought a ( ( last purchased item ) ! ) ) ) to everyone.


When a player purchases a unit,
When a player purchases an item

send a message to ( owner of ( ( last purchased unit's name ) ) bought a ( ( last purchased item ) ! ) ) ) player's name.

This is when a player purchased something from the Unit or Item shop? If I’m incorrect about this script, please try to correct me, thank you.

Or I’m misunderstanding something here.


I’m on my phone right now. Try to message someone or ping someone here to help you, If I’m incorrect.

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I realized that, there’s no trigger called When a unit purchases an item. :sob::sob: :moyai:

Also, please elaborate on what you meant by “How do I detect the last purchasing player”, please.


Help me if you know, bruh.

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when unit picks up item is the trigger to use when you want to detect when a unit buys an item.

In a script triggered by when unit picks up item, you would get the player using owner of (triggering unit). In a script triggered by when a player purchases a unit, you would get the player using triggering player.