I hate this feature in CCG

It’s so bad and it is unwanted


I agree, what if you have a 4030 Rating and had VIP and left in battle?
Would you lose the VIP? Because to get VIP in CCG, you need a 4000 Rating.
ALSO, MY CARDS ARE TOO EXPENSIVE :sob: :exclamation: Let me explain :cry:
You see, some cards are too expensive like my whole collection of cards cost like 300 Energy.


We should start a raid to remove this rating removal


Agreed, also one thing I hate abut 2v2s is that the other team spams too much causing the server to lag and have like -345 ms


:-1: its not nice to raid someone and you could tell billy about it and if you raid server you have to rp me


i dont play ccg so i dont see whats so bad about this

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It makes a long time to get VIP

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The worst thing is having the worst set of cards and you lose every match


You lost 50 rating because you left while in a battle -:nerd:


Imagine having a deck of cards but you are afk and the opponent begins to play.
Would you call that play “unfair”?

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I think they meant cg5.

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Nah, this game is actually on modd

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Cg5 reborn? Never heard iof it before.

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Bro :expressionless: It’s CCG REBORN

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There should be changes in CCG Reborn, like you don’t lose 50 rating while leaving in an active battle

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Agreed, this should be changed.
When you are VIP: 4000 Rating
Also VIP: Loses 100 rating because he lost
Is he still a VIP, you need 4000 rating!

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