Alert for my friends

Ok, i think that’s not clever for me


Well, i could have joined this forum back in the day, I have joined this forum in April 8th 2023 to discuss that my chat wasn’t showing propely

Btw, what was the intention of your flagged post?

I don’t know but looking at my posts, i just found out that people just sometimes make a lot of posts, like a lot of #11-category, Not so mastered.

“This (the nasty conversation in the original post?) is going to be monstrous, then you’re not disqualified for the Forum (= ur okay for the forum?)”

I didn’t know the “is going to be monstrous” part…

Oh, not “monstrous”, but “monstrosity”.

I was changing my profile while you were chatting.

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I didn’t do any nasty stuff, i just don’t want to enjoy this Forum with people creating a lot of topics, like ~16-24 topics per day. I think that’s not for the monstrosity amount of these posts and topics.

I wish that this never happened

Here’s the proof that i got this message from system

Look at the blue mark

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Hmmm, I have an ambiguous feeling about that. While I don’t want to spend like half an hour a day to read posts, but I’ll be sad to see the server very quiet.

I found my post flagged post that is not hidden by the community. I flagged it myself for the badge.



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It never get flagged? Interseting

You’re a true gentleman to get the Badge by sacrificing yourself :smiley:

I thought it said, “I will copy everything.”

I might be careful making posts for the next time! I might enjoy people creating a lot of topics

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It never did. It’s still waiting to get accepted.

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Oh, I remember someone did copy a random guy’s post in the Forum several months ago and the guy got mad lol.

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If I had been in his shoes I would have been annoyed as well though

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Oh, never did I know there was “acceptance” by the Moderators for the flagged posts until you implied it multiple times.

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imagine someone that I don’t know copied what I said. He would be annoying me.